// config/app.php 中。 'providers' => [ // 这个便是laravel自带的artisan命令提供者 Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider::class, ]
2、然后找到 Up/Down命令入口
/** * Register the command. * * @return void */ protected function registerUpCommand() { $this->app->singleton('command.up', function () { return new UpCommand; }); }
class DownCommand extends Command { /** * The console command name. * * @var string */ protected $name = 'down'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Put the application into maintenance mode'; /** * Execute the console command. * * @return void */ public function fire() { // 关键点: 在当前存储目录/framework 下面创建一个 down文件 touch($this->laravel->storagePath().'/framework/down'); $this->comment('Application is now in maintenance mode.'); } } // touch() 函数php文档解释 /** * Sets access and modification time of file * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.touch.php * @param string $filename <p> * The name of the file being touched. * </p> * @param int $time [optional] <p> * The touch time. If time is not supplied, * the current system time is used. * </p> * @param int $atime [optional] <p> * If present, the access time of the given filename is set to * the value of atime. Otherwise, it is set to * time. * </p> * @return bool true on success or false on failure. * @since 4.0 * @since 5.0 */ function touch ($filename, $time = null, $atime = null) {}
以上就是php laravel框架自带命令的实现,相信大家现在对于这种命令已经有所掌握,看完后跟着本篇的教程运行有关的代码即可。更多php学习指路:php框架