Python MySQL读取操作
SELECT 语句被用来从数据库中读取这些值。我们可以限制该输出的选择通过使用各种查询子句在 SQL 等、限制等。
Python 提供 FETCHALL () 方法返回的数据存储在表的行。我们可以重复的结果以得到单个行。
在本节教程中 , 我们将从数据库提取的数据通过使用 Python 脚本。我们也将它输出至格式打印到控制台。
import mysql.connector #Create the connection object myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root",passwd = "google",database = "PythonDB") #creating the cursor object cur = myconn.cursor() try: #Reading the Employee data cur.execute("select * from Employee") #fetching the rows from the cursor object result = cur.fetchall() #printing the result for x in result: print(x); except: myconn.rollback() myconn.close()
输出 :
('John', 101, 25000.0, 201, 'Newyork') ('John', 102, 25000.0, 201, 'Newyork') ('David', 103, 25000.0, 202, 'Port of spain') ('Nick', 104, 90000.0, 201, 'Newyork') ('Mike', 105, 28000.0, 202, 'Guyana')
我们可以通过特定的读出列提及他们的名字 , 而不是使用星 (*) 。
在以下的例子中 , 将读出的名称、 ID 、和从雇员薪金表 , 并将其打印到控制台。
import mysql.connector #Create the connection object myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root",passwd = "google",database = "PythonDB") #creating the cursor object cur = myconn.cursor() try: #Reading the Employee data cur.execute("select name, id, salary from Employee") #fetching the rows from the cursor object result = cur.fetchall() #printing the result for x in result: print(x); except: myconn.rollback() myconn.close()
输出 :
('John', 101, 25000.0) ('John', 102, 25000.0) ('David', 103, 25000.0) ('Nick', 104, 90000.0) ('Mike', 105, 28000.0)
fetchone () 方法
在 fetchone () 方法用于只获取一个列的表。fetchone () 方法返回的下一个行的结果集合。
import mysql.connector #Create the connection object myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root",passwd = "google",database = "PythonDB") #creating the cursor object cur = myconn.cursor() try: #Reading the Employee data cur.execute("select name, id, salary from Employee") #fetching the first row from the cursor object result = cur.fetchone() #printing the result print(result) except: myconn.rollback() myconn.close()
输出 :
('John', 101, 25000.0)
我们可以通过迭代格式的结果产生的结果或 fetchone FETCHALL () () 方法的结果存在由于光标对象 , 该元组对象不可读。
import mysql.connector #Create the connection object myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root",passwd = "google",database = "PythonDB") #creating the cursor object cur = myconn.cursor() try: #Reading the Employee data cur.execute("select name, id, salary from Employee") #fetching the rows from the cursor object result = cur.fetchall() print("Name id Salary"); for row in result: print("%s %d %d"%(row[0],row[1],row[2])) except: myconn.rollback() myconn.close()
输出 :
Name id Salary John 101 25000 John 102 25000 David 103 25000 Nick 104 90000 Mike 105 28000
使用 WHERE 子句
我们能限制所产生的结果与通过使用 SELECT 语句 WHERE 子句。这将仅仅提取那些列满足 WHERE 条件。
示例 : 姓名从J开始
import mysql.connector #Create the connection object myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root",passwd = "google",database = "PythonDB") #creating the cursor object cur = myconn.cursor() try: #Reading the Employee data cur.execute("select name, id, salary from Employee where name like 'J%'") #fetching the rows from the cursor object result = cur.fetchall() print("Name id Salary"); for row in result: print("%s %d %d"%(row[0],row[1],row[2])) except: myconn.rollback() myconn.close()
输出 :
Name id Salary John 101 25000 John 102 25000
示例 : 姓名和 ID = 101 、 102 和 103
import mysql.connector #Create the connection object myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root",passwd = "google",database = "PythonDB") #creating the cursor object cur = myconn.cursor() try: #Reading the Employee data cur.execute("select name, id, salary from Employee where id in (101,102,103)") #fetching the rows from the cursor object result = cur.fetchall() print("Name id Salary"); for row in result: print("%s %d %d"%(row[0],row[1],row[2])) except: myconn.rollback() myconn.close()
输出 :
Name id Salary John 101 25000 John 102 25000 David 103 2500
ORDER BY 子句中使用命令的结果。考虑以下示例。
import mysql.connector #Create the connection object myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root",passwd = "google",database = "PythonDB") #creating the cursor object cur = myconn.cursor() try: #Reading the Employee data cur.execute("select name, id, salary from Employee order by name") #fetching the rows from the cursor object result = cur.fetchall() print("Name id Salary"); for row in result: print("%s %d %d"%(row[0],row[1],row[2])) except: myconn.rollback() myconn.close()
输出 :
Name id Salary David 103 25000 John 101 25000 John 102 25000 Mike 105 28000 Nick 104 90000
Order By DESC
import mysql.connector #Create the connection object myconn = mysql.connector.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root",passwd = "google",database = "PythonDB") #creating the cursor object cur = myconn.cursor() try: #Reading the Employee data cur.execute("select name, id, salary from Employee order by name desc") #fetching the rows from the cursor object result = cur.fetchall() #printing the result print("Name id Salary"); for row in result: print("%s %d %d"%(row[0],row[1],row[2])) except: myconn.rollback() myconn.close()
输出 :
Name id Salary Nick 104 90000 Mike 105 28000 John 101 25000 John 102 25000 David 103 25000