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    爱喝马黛茶的安东尼爱喝马黛茶的安东尼2019-09-23 17:20:16原创5900

    tarfile包中的.open(name, mode)方法能够以mode指定的方式打开name压缩文件,并返回一个TarFile类对象。调用TarFile对象的extractall(path)方法可以将tar文档解压到path指定的位置。

    import tarfile
    tar = tarfile.open( '*.tar.gz', mode = "r:gz") #"r:gz"表示 open for reading with gzip compression
    tar.extractall(path='temp')  ### 将tar.gz文件解压到temp文件夹下

    open返回的对象不但可以用来读文档数据('r': reading),还可以写('w': writing),附加('a': appending)。



    'r' or 'r:*' open for reading with transparent compression
    'r:'         open for reading exclusively uncompressed
    'r:gz'       open for reading with gzip compression
    'r:bz2'      open for reading with bzip2 compression
    'r:xz'       open for reading with lzma compression
    'a' or 'a:'  open for appending, creating the file if necessary
    'w' or 'w:'  open for writing without compression
    'w:gz'       open for writing with gzip compression
    'w:bz2'      open for writing with bzip2 compression
    'w:xz'       open for writing with lzma compression
    'x' or 'x:'  create a tarfile exclusively without compression, raise
                 an exception if the file is already created
    'x:gz'       create a gzip compressed tarfile, raise an exception
                 if the file is already created
    'x:bz2'      create a bzip2 compressed tarfile, raise an exception
                 if the file is already created
    'x:xz'       create an lzma compressed tarfile, raise an exception
                 if the file is already created
    'r|*'        open a stream of tar blocks with transparent compression
    'r|'         open an uncompressed stream of tar blocks for reading
    'r|gz'       open a gzip compressed stream of tar blocks
    'r|bz2'      open a bzip2 compressed stream of tar blocks
    'r|xz'       open an lzma compressed stream of tar blocks
    'w|'         open an uncompressed stream for writing
    'w|gz'       open a gzip compressed stream for writing
    'w|bz2'      open a bzip2 compressed stream for writing
    'w|xz'       open an lzma compressed stream for writing
    专题推荐:python tar 文件
    上一篇:如何切换python版本 下一篇:python如何连接redis


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