1、在MySQL对于join操作的处理过程中,join buffer是一个重要的概念。
2、是MySQL对于table join的一个重要的优化手段。虽然这个概念实现并不复杂,但是这个是实现MySQL join连接优化的一个重要方法,在连接的时候可以极大提高join查询的效率。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | Table name Type
t1 range
t2 ref
t3 ALL
The join is then done as follows:
- While rows in t1 matching range
- Read through all rows in t2 according to reference key
- Store used fields from t1, t2 in cache
- If cache is full
- Read through all rows in t3
- Compare t3 row against all t1, t2 combinations in cache
- If row satisfies join condition, send it to client
- Empty cache
- Read through all rows in t3
- Compare t3 row against all stored t1, t2 combinations in cache
- If row satisfies join condition, send it to client
以上就是MySQL中join buffer的介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。更多mysql学习指路:MySQL
推荐操作系统:windows7系统、mysql5.8、DELL G3电脑